APPENDIX A


This appendix contains the definitive summary. in alphabetical order, of
the register set and the uses of the individual bits.

                           - Appendix A 257 -

The addresses shown here are used by the special chips (called "Agnus",
"Denise", and "Paula") for transferring data among themselves. Also, the
Copper uses these addresses for writing to the special chip registers. To
write to these registers with the 68000, calculate the 68000 address
using this formula:

68000 address = (chip address) + $DFF000

For example, for the 68000 to write to ADKCON (address = $09E), the
address would be $DFF09E. No other access address is valid. Unused
registers must not be accessed

All bits marked as "unused" must be written as zeros. The value of any
unused read bit must not be trusted. Registers are either read-only or
write-only. Reading a write-only register will trash the register.
Writing a read-only register will cause unexpected results.

All of the "pointer" type registers are organized as 32 bits on a long
word boundary. These registers may be written with one MOVE.L
instruction. The lowest bit of all pointers must be written as zero. The
custom chips can only access CHIP memory; using a non-CHIP address will
fail (See the AllocMem() documentation or your compiler manual for more
information on CHIP memory). Disk data, sprite data, bitplane data, audio
data, copper lists and anything that will be blitted or accessed by
custom chip DMA must be located in chip memory.

When strobing any register which responds to either a read or a write,
(for example copjmp2) be sure to use a MOVE.W, not CLR.W. The CLR
instruction causes a read and a clear (two accesses) on a 68000, but only
a single access on 68020 processors. This will give different results on
different processors.

                           - 258 Appendix A -

                  Read/ Denise/
Regiter Addresses Write Paula                 Function

ADKCON     09E      W     P             Audio, disk, control write
ADKCONR    010      R     P             Audio, disk, control read


15   SET/CLR   Set/clear control bit. Determines if bits written with a 1
               get set or cleared. Blts written with a zero are always

14-13 PRECOMP 1-0

           00        none
           01       140 ns
           10       280 ns
           11       560 ns

12   MFMPREC   (1=MFM precomp 0-GCR precomp)
11   UARTBRK   Forces a UART break (clear TXD) if true.
10   WORDSYNC  Enable disk read synchronizing on a word equal to DISK
               SYNC CODE, located in address (3F)*2.
09   MSBSYNC   Enables disk read synchronizing on the MSB (most
               significant bit). Apply type GCR.
08   FAST      Disk data clck rate control 1-fast(2us) 0=slow(4us). (fast
               for MFM, slow for MFM or GCR)

07   USE3PN    Use audio channel 3 to modulate nothing.
06   USE2P3    Use audio channel 2 to modulate period of channel 3.
05   USE1P2    Use audio channel 1 to modulate period of channel 2.
04   USE0P1    Use audio channel 0 to modulate period of channel 1.

03   USE3VN    Use audio channel 3 to modulate nothing.
02   USE2V3    Use audio channel 2 to modulate volume of channel 3.
01   USE1V2    Use audio channel 1 to modulate volume of channel 2.
00   USE0V1    Use audio channel 0 to modulate volume of channel 1.

NOTE: If both period and volume are modulated on the same channel, the
period and volume will be alternated. First word xxxxxxxx V6-V0 , Second
word P15-P0 (etc)

AUDxDAT    0AA      W     P             Audio channel x data

This register is the audio channel x (x=0,1,2,3) DMA data buffer. It
contains 2 bytes of data that are each 2'8 complement and are outputted
equentially (with digital-to-analog conversion) to the audio output pins.
(LSB = 3 MV) The DMA controller automatically transfers data to this
register from RAM. The processor can also write directly to this
register. When the DMA data is finished (words outputted=length) and the
data in this register has been used, an audio channel interrupt request
is set.

                           - Appendix A 259 -

AUDxLCH 0A0 W A       Audio channel x location (high 3 bits)
AUDxLCL 0A2 W A       Audio channel x location (low 15 bits)

This pair of registers contains the 18 bit starting address (location) of
audio channel x (x=0,1,2,3) DMA data. This is not a pointer register and
therefore needs to be reloaded only if a different memory location is to
be outputted.

AUDxLEN 0A4 W     P   Audio channel x length

This regiter contains the length (number of words) of audio channel x DMA

AUDxPER 0A6 W     P   Audio channel x Period

This register contains the period (rate) of audio chnnel x DMA data
transfer. The minimum period is 12 color clocks. This means that the
smallest number that should be placed in this regiter is 124 decimal.
This corresponds to a maximum sample frequency of 28.86 khz.

AUDxVOL 0A8 W     P   Audio channel x volume

This register contains the volume setting for audio channel x. Bits
6,5,4,3,2,1,0 specify 65 linear volume levels as shown below.

Bit#   Use

15-07  Not used
06     Forces volume to max (64 ones, no zeros)
05-00  Sets one of 64 levels (000000-no output (111111-63 19, one 0)

BLTAFWM 044 W A       Blitter first-word mask for source A
BLTALWM 046 W A       Blitter last-word mask for source A

The patterns in these two registers are ANDed with the firt and last
words of each line of data from source A into the blitter. A zero in any
bit override data from source A. These registers should be set to all 1's
for fill mode or for line-drawing mode.

                           - 260 Appendix A -

BLTCON0 040 W A       Blitter control register 0
BLTCON1 042 W A       Blitter control register 1

These two control registers are used together to control blitter
operations. There are two basic mode, area and line, which are selected
by bit 0 of BLTCON1, as shown below.

AREA MODE ("normal")


15    ASH3      BSH3
14    ASH2      BSH2
13    ASH1      BSH1
12    ASA0      BSH0
11    USEA        X
10    USEB        X
09    USEC        X
08    USED        X
07    LF7         X
06    LF6         X
05    LF5         X
04    LF4       EFE
03    LF3       IFE
02    LF2       FCI
01    LF1       DESC
00    LF0       LINE(0)

ASH 3-0 Shift value of A source
BSH 3-0 Shift value of B source
USEA Mode control bit to use source A
USEB Mode control bit to use source B
USEC Mode control bit to use source C
USED Mode control bit to use destination D
LF 7-0 Logic function minterm select lines
EFE Exclusive fill enable
IFE Inclusive fill enable
FCI Fill carry input
DESC Descending (decreasing address) control bit
LINE Line mode control bit (set to 0)

                           - Appendix A 261 -

BLTCON0 (cont.)  LINE DRAW      LINE MODE (line draw)
                 LINE DRAW    BIT# BLTCON0  BLTCON1
                 LINE DRAW
                 LINE DRAW     15   START3  TEXTURE3
                 LINE DRAW     14   START2  TEXTURE2
                 LINE DRAW     13   STARTl  TEXTURE1
                 LINE DRAW     12   START0  TEXTURE0
                 LINE DRAW     11   1       0
                 LINE DRAW     10   0       0
                 LINE DRAW     09   1       0
                 LINE DRAW     08   1       0
                 LINE DRAW     07   LF7     0
                 LINE DRAW     06   LF6     SIGN
                 LINE DRAW     05   LF5     0 (Reserved)
                 LINE DRAW     04   LF4     SUD
                 LINE DRAW     03   LF3     SUL
                 LINE DRAW     02   LF2     AUL
                 LINE DRAW     01   LF1     SING
                 LINE DRAW     00   LF0     LINE(=1)
                 LINE DRAW
                 LINE DRAW     START 3-0 Starting point of line
                 LINE DRAW               (0 thru 15 hex)

                 LINE DRAW     LF7-0 Logic function minterm
                 LINE DRAW     select lines should be preloaded
                 LINE DRAW     with 4A to select the equation
                 LINE DRAW     D=(AC+ABC). Since A contains a
                 LINE DRAW     single bit true (8000), most bits
                 LINE DRAW     will pass the C field unchanged
                 LINE DRAW     (not A and C), hut one bit will
                 LINE DRAW     invert the C field and combine it
                 LINE DRAW     with texture (A and B and not C).
                 LINE DRAW     The A bit is automatically moved
                 LINE DRAW     across the word by the hardware.
                 LINE DRAW
                 LINE DRAW     LINE Line mode control bit (set to 1)
                 LINE DRAW     SIGN Sign flag
                 LINE DRAW     0 Reserved for new mode
                 LINE DRAW     SING Single bit per horizontal line for
                 LINE DRAW     use with subsequent area fill
                 LINE DRAW     SUD Sometimes up or down (=AUD*)
                 LINE DRAW     SUL Sometimes up or left
                 LINE DRAW     AUL Always up or left

                 LINE DRAW     The 3 bits above select the octant
                 LINE DRAW     for line drawing:

                 LINE DRAW     OCT     SUD SUL AUL
                 LINE DRAW
                 LINE DRAW      0       1   1   0
                 LINE DRAW      1       0   0   1
                 LINE DRAW      2       0   1   1
                 LINE DRAW      3       1   1   1
                 LINE DRAW      4       1   0   1
                 LINE DRAW      5       0   1   0
                 LINE DRAW      6       0   0   0
                 LINE DRAW      7       1   0   0

LINE DRAW The "B" source is used for
LINE DRAW texturing the drawn lines.

                           - 262 Appendix A -

BLTDDAT               Blitter destination data register

This register holds the data resulting from each
word of blitter operation until it is sent to a
RAM destination. This is a dummy address and
cannot be read by the micro. The transfer is
automatic during blitter operation.

BLTSIZE 058 W A       Blitter start and size (window width, height)

This register contains the width and height of
the blitter operation (in line mode, width must
= 2, height = line length). Writing to this
register will start the blitter, and should be
done last, after all pointers and control
registers have been initialized.

BIT 15,19,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
    h9 h8 h7 h6 h5 h4 h3 h2 h1 h0,w5 w4 w3 w2 w1 w0

h=height=vertical lines (10 bits=1024 lines max)
w=width=horizontal pixels (6 bits=64 words=1024 pixels max)

LINE DRAW BLTSIZE controls the line length and starts
LINE DRAW the line draw when written to. The h field
LINE DRAW controls the line length (10 bits gives
LINE DRAW lines up to 1024 dots long). The w field
LINE DRAW must be set to 02 for all line drawing.

BLTxDAT 074 W A       Blitter source x data register

This register holds source x (x=A,B,C) data for
use by the blitter. It is normally loaded by the
blitter DMA channel; however, it may also be
preloaded by the microprocessor.

LINE DRAW BLTADAT is used as an index register
LINE DRAW and must be preloaded with 8000.
LINE DRAW BLTBDAT is used for texture; it must
LINE DRAW be preloaded with FF if no texture
LINE DRAW (solid line) is desired.

                           - Appendix A 263 -

BLTxMOD 064 W A       Blitter modulo x

This register contains the modulo for blitter
source (xA,B,C) or destination (x=D). A modulo
is a number that is automatically added to the
address at the end of each line, to make the
address point to the start of the next line. Each
source or destination has its own modulo, allowing
each to be a different size, while an identical
area of each is used in the blitter operation.

LINE DRAW BLTAMOD and BLTBMOD are used as slope
LINE DRAW storage registers and must be preloaded
LINE DRAW with the values (4Y-4X) and (4Y)
LINE DRAW respectively. Y/X= line slope.
LINE DRAW preloaded with the width (in bytes)
LINE DRAW of the image into which the line is
LINE DRAW being drawn (normally two times the
LINE DRAW screen width in words).

BLTxPTH 050 W A       Blitter pointer to x (high 3 bits)
BLTxPTL 052 W A       Blitter pointer to x (low 15 bits)

Thia pair of registers contains the 18-bit address
of blitter source (x=A,B,C) or destination (x=D)
DMA data. Thia pointer must be preloaded with the
starting address of the data to be processed by
the blitter. After the blitter is finished, it
will contain the last data address (plus increment
and modulo).

LINE DRAW BLTAPTL is used as an accumulator
LINE DRAW register and must be preloaded with
LINE DRAW the starting value of (2Y-X) where
LINE DRAW Y/X is the line slope. BLTCPT and
LINE DRAW BLTDPT (both H and L) must be
LINE DRAW preloaded with the starting address
LINE DRAW of the line.

BPLlMOD 108 W A       Bit plane modulo (odd planes)
BPL2MOD 10A W A       Bit Plane modulo (even planes)

These registers contain the modulos for the odd
and even bit planes. A modulo is a number that is
automatically added to the address at the end of
each line, so that the address then points to the
start of the next line.
Since they have separate modulos, the odd and even
bit planes may have sizes that are different from
each other, as well as different from the display
window aize.

                           - 264 Appendix A -

BPLCON0 100 W A D Bit plane control register (misc.
                  control bits)
BPLCON1 102 W D   Bit plane control register
                  (horizontal scroll control)
BPLCON2 104 W D   Bit Plane control register
                  (video priority control)

These registers control the operation of the
bit planes and various aspects of the display.


15       HIRES       X           X
14       BPU2        X           X
13       BPU1        X           X
12       BPU0        X           X
11       HOMOD       X           X
10       DBLPF       X           X
09       COLOR       X           X
08       GAUD        X           X
07        X         PF2H3        X
06        X         PF2H2      PF2PRI
05        X         PF2H1      PF2P2
04        X         PF2H0      PF2P1
03       LPEN       PF1H3      PF2P0
02       LACE       PF1H2      PF1P2
01       ERSY       PF1H1      PF1P1
00        X         PF1H0      PF1lP0

HIRES =High-resolution (640) mode
BPU   =Bit plane use code 000-110 (NONE through 6 inclusive)
HOMOD =Hold-and-modify mode
DBLPF =Double playfield (PF1=odd PF2=even bit planes)
COLOR =Composite video COLOR enable
GAUD  =Genlock audio enable (muxed on BKGND pin during vertical blanking
LPEN  =Lightpen enable (reset on power up)
LACE  =Interlace enable (reset on power up)
ERSY  =External resync (HSYNC, VSYNC pads become inputs) (reset on power
PF2PRI=Playfield 2 (even planes) has priority over (appears in front of)
       playfield 1 (odd planes).
PF2P  =Playfield 2 priority code (with respect to sprites)
PF1P  =Playfield 1 priority code (with respect to sprites)
PF2H  =Playfield 2 horizontal scroll code
PFlH  =Playfield 1 horizontal scroll code

                           - Appendix A 265 -

BPLxDAT 110 W D Bit plane x data (parallel-to-serial convert)

These registers receive the DMA data fetched from
RAM by the bit plane address pointers described
above. They may also be written by either
microprocessor. They act as a six-word parallel-
to-serial buffer for up to six memory bit planes
(x=1-6). The parallel-to-serial conversion is
triggered whenever bit plane #1 is written,
indicating the completion of all bit planes for
that word (16 pixels). The MSB i9 output first,
and is, therefore, always on the left.

BPLxPTH 0E0 W A =      Bit plane x pointer (high 3 bits)

BPLxPTL 0E2 W A       Bit plane x pointer (low 15 bits)

This pair of registers contains the 18-bit pointer to
the address of bit-plane x (x21,2,3,4,5,6) DMA data.
This pointer must be reinitialized by the processor
or copper to point to the beginning of bit plane data
every vertical blank time.

CLXCON      098 W D Collision control

This register controls which bit-planes are
included (enabled) in collision detection and
their required state if included. It also controls
the individual inclusion of odd-numbered sprites
in the collision detection by logically OR-ing
them with their corresponding even-numbered sprite.

15    ENSP7     Enable sprite 7 (ORed with sprite 6)
14    ENSP5     Enable sprite 5 (ORed with sprite 4)
13    ENSP3     Enable sprite 3 (ORed with sprite 2)
12    ENSP1     Enable sprite 1 (ORed with sprite 0)
11    ENBP6     Enable bit plane 6 (match required for collision)
10    ENBP5     Enable bit plane 5 (match required for collision)
09    ENBP4     Enable bit plane 4 (match required for collision)
08    ENBP3     Enable bit plane 3 (match required for collision)
07    ENBP2     Enable bit plane 2 (match required for collision)
06    ENBP1     Enable bit plane 1 (match required for collision)
05    NVBP6     Match value for bit plane 6 collision
04    MVBP5     Match value for bit plane 5 collision
03    MVBP4     Match value for bit plane 4 collision
02    MVBP3     Match value for bit plane 3 collision
01    MVBP2     Match value for bit plane 2 collision
00    MVBP1     Match value for bit plane 1 collision

NOTE: Disabled bit planes cannot prevent collisions. Therefore if all bit
planes are disabled, collisions will be continuous, regardless of the
match values.

                           - 266 Appendix A -

CLXDAT      00E R D Collision data register (read and clear)

This address reads (and clears) the collision
detection register. The bit assignments are below.

NOTE: Playfield 1 is all odd-numbered enabled
bit planes. Playfield 2 is all even-numbered
enabled bit planes

15   not used
14   Sprite 4 (or 5) to sprite 6 (or 7)
13   Sprite 2 (or 3) to sprite 6 (or 7)
12   Sprite 2 (or 3) to sprite 4 (or 5)
11   Sprite 0 (or 1) to sprite 6 (or 7)
10   Sprite 0 (or 1) to sprite 4 (or 5)
09   Sprite 0 (or 1) to sprite 2 (or 3)
08   Playfield 2 to sprite 6 (or 7)
07   Playfield 2 to sprite 4 (or 5)
06   Playfield 2 to sprite 2 (or 3)
05   Playfield 2 to sprite 0 (or 1)
04   Playfield 1 to sprite 6 (or 7)
03   Playfield 1 to sprite 4 (or 5)
02   Playfield 1 to sprite 2 (or 3)
01   Playfield 1 to sprite 0 (or 1)
00   Playfield 1 to playfield 2

COLORxx 180 W D Color table xx

There are 32 of these registers (xx=00-31) and they
are sometimes collectively called the "color
palette." They contain 12-bit codes representing
red, green, and blue colors for RGB systems.
One of these registers at a time is selected
(by the BPLxDAT serialized video code)
for presentation at the RGB video output pins.
The table below shows the color register bit usage.

BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
 RGB  X  X  X  X R3 R2 B1 R0 G3 G2 G1 G0 B3 B2 B1 B0

B=blue, G=green, R=red,

COP1LCH     080 W A          Copper first location register
                             (high 3 bits)
COP1LCL     082 W A          Copper first location register
                             (low 15 bits)
COP2LCH     084 W A          Copper second location register
                             (high 3 bits)
COP2LCL     086 W A          Copper second location register
                             (low 15 bits)

These registers contain the jump addresses described above.

                           - Appendix A 267 -

COPCON      02E W A Copper control register

This is a 1-bit register that when set true, allows
the Copper to access the blitter hardware. This
bit is cleared by power-on reset, so that the
Copper cannot access the blitter hardware.


01   CDANG     Copper danger mode. Allows Copper
               access to blitter if true.

COPINS      08C W A Copper instruction fetch identify

This ia a dummy address that is generated by the
Copper whenever it is loading instructions into
its own instruction register. This actually occurs
every Copper cycle except for the second (IR2)
cycle of the MOVE instruction. The three types
of intructions are shown below.

MOVE - Move immediate to destination.
WAIT - Wait until beam counter is equal to, or
greater than. (keeps Copper off of bus
until beam position has been reached).
SKIP - Skip if beam counter is equal to or greater
than (skips following MOVE instruction unless
beam position has been reached).

                           - 268 Appendix A -


BIT      IR1  IR2      IR1    IR2    IR1    IR2

15       X    RD15     VP7    BFD *  VP7    BFD *
14       X    RD14     VP6    VE6    VP6    VE6
13       X    RD13     VP5    VE5    VP5    VES
12       X    RD12     VP4    VE4    VP4    VE4
11       X    RD11     VP3    VE3    VP3    VE3
10       X    RD10     VP2    VE2    VP2    VE2
09       X    RD09     VP1    VE1    VP1    VE1
08      DA8   RD08     VP0    VE0    VP0    VE0
07      DA7   RD07     HP8    HE8    HP8    HE8
06      DA6   RD06     HP7    HE7    HP7    HE7
05      DAS   RD05     HP6    HE6    HP6    HE6
04      DA4   RD04     HP5    HE5    HPS    HES
03      DA3   RD03     HP4    HE4    HP4    HE4
02      DA2   RD02     HP3    HE3    HP3    HE3
01      DA1   RD01     HP2    HE2    HP2    HE2
00       0    RD00      1      0      1      1

IR1  =First instruction register
IR2  =Second instruction regiater
DA   =Destination address for MOVE instruction. Fetched
      during IR1 time, uaed during IR2 time on RGA bus.
RD   =RAMdata moved by MOVE inatruction at IR2 time
      directly from RAM to the addreas given by the
      DA field.

VP   =Vertical beam position compariaon bit.
HP   =Horizontal beam position comparison bit.
VE   =Enable comparison (mask bit).
HE   =Enable comparison (mask bit).

* NOTE BFD-Blitter finished disable. When this bit is true, the Blitter
Finished flag will have no effect on the Copper. When this
bit is zero, the Blitter Finished flag must be true (in addition to the
rest of the bit comparison) before the Copper can exit from its wait
state or skip over an instruction. Note that the V7 comparison cannot be

The Copper is basically a two-cycle machine that requests the bus only
during odd memory cycles (4 memory cycles per instruction). This prevents
collisions with diaplay, audio, disk, refresh, and sprites, all of which
use only even cycles. It therefore needs (and has) priority over only the
blitter and micro-processor.

There are only three types of instructions: MOVE immediate, WAIT until,
and SKIP if. All intructions (except for WAIT) require two bus cycles
(and two instruction words). Since only the odd bus cycles are requested,
four memory cycle times are required per instruction (memory cycles are
280 ns.)

                           - Appendix A 269 -

COPINS (cont.)

There are two indirect jump registers, COP1LC and COP2LC. These are 18-
bit pointer registers whose contents are used to modify the program
counter for initialization or jumps. They are transferred to the program
counter whenever strobe addresses COPJMP1 or COPJMP2 are written. In
addition, COP1LC is automatically used at the beginning of each vertical
blank time.

It is important that one of the jump registers be initialized and its
jump strobe address hit after power-up but before Copper DMA is
initialized.  This insures a determined startup address and state.

COPJMP1 088 5 A       Copper restart at first location
COPJMP2 08A 5 A       Copper restart at second location

These addresses are strobe addresses. When written to, they cause the
Copper to jump indirect using the address contained in the first or
second location registers described below. The Copper itself can write to
these addresses, causing its own jump indirect.

                           - 270 Appendix A -

DDFSTOP 094 W A       Display data fetch stop (horiz. position)

DDFSTRT 092 W A       Display data fetch start (horiz. position)

These registers control the horizontal timing of the
beginning and end of the bit plane DMA display data
fetch. The vertical bit plane DMA timing is identical
to the display windows described above.
The bit plane modulos are dependent on the bit plane
horizontal size and on this data-fetch window size.

Regiter bit assignment

BIT 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
USE  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X H8 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3  X  X

(X bits should always be driven with 0 to maintain
upward compatibility)

The tables below show the start and stop timing for
different register contents.

DDFSTRT (left edge of display data fetch)

PURPOSE            H8,H7,H6,H5,H4
Extra wide (max) *  0  0  1  0  1
Wide                0  0  1  1  0
Normal              0  0  1  1  1
Narrow              0  1  0  0  0

DDFSTOP (right edge of display data fetch)

PURPOSE            H8,H7,H6,H5,H4
Narrow              1  1  0  0  1
Normal              1  1  0  1  0
Wide (max)          1  1  0  1  1

DIWSTOP 090 W A       Display window stop (lower right
vertical-horizontal position)

DIWSTRT 08E W A       Display window start (upper left
vertical-horizontal position)

These registers control display window size and
position by locating the upper left and lower right

BIT 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
USE V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 H1 H0

DIWSTRT is vertically restricted to the upper 2/3
of the display (V8=0) and horizontally restricted to
the left 3/4 of the display (H8=0).

DIWSTOP is vertically restricted to the lower 1/2
of the display (V8=/V7) and horizontally restricted
to the right 1/4 of the display (H8=1).

                           - Appendix A 271 -

DMACON      096 W A D P DMA control write (clear or set)
DMACONR     002 R A P DMA control (and blitter status) read

                 This register controls all of the DMA channels and
                 contains blitter DMA status bits.

                 BIT   FUNCTION     DESCRIPTION

                 15    SET/CLR      Set/clear control bit. Determines
                                    if bits written with a 1 get aet or
                                    cleared. Bits written with a zero
                                    are unchanged.
                 14    BBUSY        Blitter busy status bit (read only)
                 13    BZERO        Blitter logic zero status bit
                                     (read only).
                 12    X
                 11    X
                 10    BLTPRI       Blitter DMA priority
                                     (over CPU micro) (also called
                                    "blitter nasty") (disables /BLS
                                    pin, preventing micro from
                                    stealing any bus cycles while
                                    blitter DMA is running).
                 09    DMAEN        Enable all DMA below
                 08    BPLEN        Bit plane DMA enable
                 07    COPEN        Copper DMA enable
                 06    BLTEN        Blitter DMA enable
                 05    SPREN        Sprite DMA enable
                 04    DSKEN        Disk DMA enable
                 03    AUD3EN       Audio channel 3 DMA enable
                 02    AUD2EN       Audio channel 2 DMA enable
                 01    AUD1EN       Audio channel 1 DMA enable
                 00    AUD0EN       Audio channel 0 DMA enable

DSKBYTR     01A R      P Disk data byte and status read

This register is the disk-microprocessor data
buffer. Data from the disk (in read mode) is
loaded into this register one byte at a time, and
bit 15 (DSKBYT) is set true.

15     DSKBYT    Disk byte ready (reset on read)
14     DMAON     Mirror of bit 15 (DMAEN) in DSKLEN,
                 ANDed with Bit 09 (DMAEN) in DMACON
13     DISKWRITE Mirror of bit 14 (WRITE) in DSKLEN
12     WORDEQUAL This bit true only while the
                 DSKSYNC register equals the data from disk.
11-08  X         Not used
07-00 DATA       Disk byte data

                           - 272 Appendix A -

DSKDAT      026    W    P   Disk DMA data write
DSKDATR     008    ER   P   Disk DMA data read (early read dummy
                                  address )

                 This regiter is the disk DMA data buffer. It
                 contains two bytes of data that are either sent
                 (written) to or received (read) from the disk.
                 The write mode is enabled by bit 14 of the LENGTH
                 register. The DMA controller automatically
                 tranfer data to or from this register and RAM,
                 and when the DMA data is finished (length=0) it
                 causes a disk block interrupt. See interrupts below.

DSKLEN      024    W    P   Disk length

                 This register contains the length (number of words)
                 of disk DMA data. It also contains two control
                 bits, a DMA enable bit, and a DMA
                 direction (read/write) bit.

                 BIT#   FUNCTION       DESRIPTION
                 15     DMAEN          Disk DMA enable
                 14     WRITE          Disk write (RAM to disk) if 1
                 13-0   LENGTH         Length (# of words) of DMA data.

DSKPTH      020    W    A   Disk pointer (high 3 bits)
DSKPTL      022    W    A   Disk pointer (low 15 bits)

                 This pair of registers contains the 18-bit
                 address of disk DMA data. These address registers
                 must be initialized by the processor or Copper
                 before disk DMA is enabled.

DSKSYNC     07E    W    P   Disk sync register

                 hold the match code for disk read synchronization.
                 See ADKCON bit 10.

                           - Appendix A 273 -

INTENA      09A W P Interrupt enable bits (clear or set bits)
INTENAR     01C R P Interrupt enable bita (read)

                 This register contains interrupt enable bits. The bit
                 assignment for both the request and enable registers
                 is given below.

                 BIT#   FUNCT  LEVEL  DESCRIPTION
                 15    SET/CLR       Set/clear control bit. Determines if
                                     bits written with a 1 get set or
                                     cleared. Bits written with a zero
                                     are always unchanged.
                 14    INTEN         Master interrupt (enable only,
                                     no request)
                 13    EXTER     6   External interrupt
                 12    DSKSYN    5   Disk sync register (DSKSYNC)
                                      matches disk data
                 11    RBF       5   Serial port receive buffer full
                 10    AUD3      4   Audio channel 3 block finished
                 09    AUD2      4   Audio channel 2 block finished
                 08    AUDl      4   Audio channel 1 block finished
                 07    AUD0      4   Audio channel 0 block finished
                 06    BLIT      3   Blitter finished
                 05    VERTB     3   Start of vertical blank
                 04    COPER     3   Copper
                 03    PORTS     2   I/O ports and timers
                 02    SOFT      1   Reserved for software-initiated
                 01    DSKBLK    1   Disk block finished
                 00    TBE       1   Serial port transmit buffer empty

INTREQ       09C W       P Interrupt request bits (clear or set)
INTREQR      01E R       P Interrupt request bits (read)

This register contains interrupt request bits (or flags). These bits may
be polled by the processor; if enabled by the bits listed in the next
register, they may cause processor interrupts. Both a set and clear
operation are required to load arbitrary data into this register. These
status bits are not automatically reset when the interrupt is serviced,
and must be reset when desired by writing to this address. The bit
assignments are identical to the enable regiater below.

                           - 274 Appendix A -

JOY0DAT 00A R D Joystick-mouse 0 data (left vertical, horizontal)

JOY1DAT 00C R D Joystick-mouse 1 data (right vertical, horizontal)

These addresses each read a pair of 8-bit mouse counters. 0=left
controller pair, 1=right controller pair (four counters total). The bit
usage for both left and right addresses is shown below. Each counter is
clocked by signals from two controller pins. Bits 1 and 0 of each counter
may be read to determine the state of these two clock pins. This allows
these pins to double as joystick switch inputs.

Mouse counter usage:
(pins 1,3=Yclock, pins 2,4=Xclock)

BIT  15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08 07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
0DAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
1DAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0

The following table shows the mouse/joystick connector pin usage. The
pins (and their functions) are sampled (multiplexed) into the DENISE chip
during the clock times shown in the table. This table is for reference
only and should not be needed by the programmer. (Note that the joystick
functions are all "active low" at the connector pins.)

                            Sampled by DENISE
Conn   Joystick   Mouse
Pin    Function   Function  Pin  Name    Clock
L1     FORW*        Y        38   M0V at CCK
L3     LEFT*        YQ       38   M0V at CCK*
L2     BACK*        X         9   M0H at CCK
L4     RIGH*        XQ        9   M0H at CCK*
R1     FORW*        Y        39   M1V at CCK
R3     LEFT*        YQ       39   M1V at CCK*
R2     BACK*        X         8   M1H at CCK
R4     RIGH*        XQ        8   M1H at CCK*

After being sampled, these connector pin signals are used in quadrature
to clock the mouse counters. The LEFT and RIGHT joystick functions
(active high) are directly available on the Y1 and X1 bits of each
counter. In order to recreate the FORWARD and BACK joystick functions,
however, it is necessary to logically combine (exclusive OR) the lower
two bits of each counter. This is illustrated in the following table.

Forward                     Y1 xor Y0 (BIT#09 xor BIT#08)
Left                        Y1
Back                        X1 xor X0 (BIT#01 xor BIT#00)
Right                       X1

                           - Appendix A 275 -

JOYTEST 036 W D Write to all four joystick-mouse counters at once.

Mouse counter write test data:

BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08 07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
0DAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 xx xx X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 xx xx
1DAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 xx xx X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 xx xx

POT0DAT     012 R        P Pot counter data left pair (vert,horiz)
POT1DAT     014 R        P Pot counter data right pair (vert,horiz)

These addresses each read a pair of 8-bit pot counters.
(Four counters total.) The bit assignment for both
addresses is shown below. The counters are stopped by
signals from two controller connectors (left-right)
with two pins each.

BIT#  15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08 07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
RIGHT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
LEFT  Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0

             CONNECTORS                PAULA
          Loc.  Dir.  Sym  Pin     Pin#  Pin Name
         RIGHT   Y     RY   9       36    (POT1Y)
         RIGHT   X     RX   5       35    (POT1X)
         LEFT    Y     LY   9       33    (POT0Y)
         LEFT    X     LX   5       32    (POT0X)

POTGO       034 W        P Pot port data write and start.

POTGOR      016 R        P Pot port data read (formerly called POTINP).

This register controls a 4-bit bi-directional I/O port
that shares the same four pins as the four pot counters

15    OUTRY   Output enable for Paula pin 36
14    DATRY   I/O data Paula pin 36
13    OUTRX   Output enable for Paula pin 35
12    DATRX   I/O data Paula pin 35
11    OUTLY   Output enable for Paula pin 33
10    DATLY   I/O data Paula pin 33
09    OUTLX   Output enable for Paula pin 32
08    DATLX   I/O data Paula pin 32
07-01 0       Reserved for chip ID code (presently 0)
00    START   Start pots (dump capacitors, start counters)

REFPTR      028 W A          Refresh pointer

This register is used as a dynamic RAM refresh address generator. It is
writeable for test purposes only, and should never be written by
the microprocessor.

                           - 276 Appendix A -

SERDAT      030 W P Serial port data and stop bits write
                                  (transmit dala buffer)

                 This address writes data to a transmit data buffer.
                 Data from this buffer is moved into a serial shift
                 register for output transmission whenever it is
                 empty. This sets the interrupt request TBE
                 (transmit buffer empty). A stop bit must be
                 provided as part of the data word. The length of
                 the data word is set by the position of the stop

                 BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
                 USE   0  0  0  0  0  0  S D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

                 Note: S = stop bit = 1, D = data bits.

SERDATR     018 R P Serial port data and.status read
                                 (receive data buffer)

                 This address reads data from a receive data buffer.
                 Data in this buffer is loaded from a receiving
                 shift register whenever it is full. Several
                 interrupt request bits are also read at this
                 address, along with the data, as shown below.


15    OVRUN        Serial port receiver overrun.
                   Reset by resetting bit 11 of INTREQ.
14    RBF          Serial port receive buffer full
13    TBE          Serial port transmit buffer empty (mirror).
12    TSRE         Serial port transmit shift register empty.
                    Reset by loading into buffer.
11    RXD          RXD pin receives UART serial data for direct bit test
                    by the microprocessor.
10    0            Not used
09    STP          Stop bit
08  STP-DB8        Stop bit if LONG, data bit if not.
07    DB7          Data bit
06    DB6          Data bit
05    DBS          Data bit
04    DB4          Data bit
03    DB3          Data bit
02    DB2          Data bit
01    DB1          Data bit
00    DB0          Data bit

                           - Appendix A 277 -

SERPER      032 W P Serial port period and control

This register contains the control bit LONG referred to
above, and a 15-bit number defining the serial port
baud rate. If this number is N, then the baud rate is
1 bit every (N+1) * 0.2794 microseconds.

15     LONG       Defines serial receive as 9-bit word.
14-00  RATE       Defines baud rate=1/ ( (N+1) * 0.2794 microsec.

SPRxCTL 142 W A D Sprite x vert stop position and control data
SPRxPOS 140 W A D Sprite x vert-horiz start position data

These two registers work together as position, size and
feature sprite-control registers. They are usually loaded
by the sprite DMA channel during horizontal blank;
however, they may be loaded by either processor at any time.
SPRxPOS register:

15-08  SV7-SV0  Start vertical value. High bit(SV8) is in SPRxCTL
                 register below.
07-00  SH8-SH1  Start horizontal value. Low bit(SH0) is in SPRxCTL
                 register below.

SPRxCTL register (writing this address disables sprite horizontal
comparator clrcuit):

15-08   EV7-EV0   End (stop) vertical value low 8 bits
07      ATT       Sprite attach control bit (odd sprites)
06-04    X        Not used
02      SV8       Start vertical value high bit
01      EV8       End (stop) vertical value high bit
00      SH0       Start horizontal value low bit

SPRxDATA 144 W D Sprlte x image data register A
SPRxDATB 146 W D Sprite x image data register B

These registers buffer the sprite image data. They are
usually loaded by the sprite DMA channel but may be
loaded by either processor at any time. When a
horizontal comparison occurs, the buffers are dumped
into shift registers and serially outputted to the
display, MSB first on the left.

NOTE: Writing to the A buffer enables (arms) the sprite.
Writing to the SPRxCTL register disables the sprite.
If enabled, data in the A and B buffers will be outputted
whenever the beam counter equals the sprite horizontal
position value in the SPRxPOS register.


                           - 278 Appendix A -

SPRxPTH 120 W A       Sprite x pointer (high 3 blts)

SPRxPTL 122 W A       Sprite x pointer (low 15 bits)

This pair of registers contains the 18-bit address
of sprite x (x=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) DMA data. These address
registers must be initialized by the processor or Copper
every vertical blank time.

STREQU      038 S      D Strobe for horizontal sync with VB and EQU
STRHOR      03C 5      D P Strobe for horizontal sync
STRLONG     03E 5      D Strobe for identification of long
                                   horizontal line

One of the first three strobe addresses above is
placed on the destination address bus during the
first refresh time slot. The fourth strobe shown
above is used during the second refresh time slot of
every other line to identify lines with long counts
(228). There are four refresh time slots, and any
not used for strobes will leave a null (FF) address
on the destination address bus.

STRVBL      03A 5      D     Strobe for horizontal sync with VB
                                  (vertical blank)

VHPOSR      006 R A          Read vertical and horizontal position of
                               beam or lightpen
VHPOSW      02C W A          Write vertical and horizontal position
                               of beam or lightpen

BIT# 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,03,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00
USE  V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0,H8 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 H1

RESOLUTION=1/160 of screen width (280 ns)

VPOSR       004 R A Read vertical most significant bit
                                 (and frame flop)
VPOSW       02A W A Write vertical most significant bit
                                 (and frame flop)

                 BIT 15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00

                 USE LOF  V8

                 LOF=Long frame (auto toggle control bit in BPLCON0)

                           - Appendix A 279 -




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